side projects💼

Rekko 🤝🏻 Share and get Rekkos about things you love from your friends and family.

Boiled Egg Podcast🥚 Three friends who love to discuss a range of topics across tech, life, food, fitness and all things that make us human.

Hoistaflag🇮🇳 Virtual flag hoisting platform built for users & communities in the pandemic.

Snoop 👀​ Transforms old phones into security cameras; 500k+ downloads with zero marketing spend.

TakTak 🎓​ Academic Q&A platform; serving 100k+ students and 5k+ educators.‬ ‭

B51​ 🤖 AI chatbot for better consumer engagement.

Boyfriend Bot 😎 A virtual boyfriend built on Messenger that went viral overnight.

CyrptoSOS​ ₿ Real-time alerts on calls & messages every time crypto investments rise or fall. 100k+ downloads with zero marketing spend.

Couch Salon 💅🏻 On-demand at-home beauty & grooming services. Piloted in Hyderabad with 1000+ customers in six months. 

Pokerolla​🃏 Track & manage Poker bankroll, pivoted to an SDK later.